Skip To ContentEvidence In Motion’s Pelvic Health Specialist Certification, a comprehensive pelvic health certification that includes intravaginal and intrarectal techniques, will enable you to understand the structure and function of the pelvic floor in the context of the whole body and prepare you to incorporate it into practice. You will learn best practices for integrating expertise in orthopedics, pelvic health, and pain science to provide excellent care and outcomes for your patients with pelvic floor dysfunction. Internal rectal and vaginal evaluation & treatment and external assessment & intervention are all taught in depth during this certification along with a comprehensive neuromotor retraining toolbox for full body rehabilitation for patients with pelvic floor dysfunction. Looking for an all-external option for learning about pelvic health? Learn more here.
Additional topics include care of pregnant and postpartum patients, sexual interviewing and counseling, dietary techniques, bathroom ergonomics, use of tools, sensory integration techniques, prolapse care, neurodynamic techniques, and more. Comprehensive, whole-person care for individuals of all genders and ages is emphasized throughout the curriculum.
Learners will experience a robust and comprehensive experience with high faculty involvement and low student-to-teacher ratios both in the online didactic portion and the in-person or virtual lab experiences. At the conclusion of the program, learners will have fully equipped toolboxes for evaluation, manual therapy, exercise design, and patient education to serve patients with a variety of pelvic floor-related symptoms.
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