This week, on the EIM Practice Leadership Podcast, we bring on Al Amato, who is heavily involved with outcomes management in physical therapy. Al Amato is one of the founders of FOTO, Inc. (Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes).
Al Amato is the President and Co-Owner of FOTO, Inc. He has over forty years of experience as a Physical therapist and he started the first physical therapy private practice in the St. Louis, MO area. His company became the largest local provider of outpatient and contract services before being sold to a national company, MedRehab, Inc. As a vice president of professional affairs for that company and manager of the Missouri operations, Al continued to grow the local company and influence product development and quality care issues for the national company. He purchased FOTO from the founding group in 1992 and established FOTO as a private outcomes management and reporting company in 1994.
Al and Larry will be discussing FOTO and how it helps PTs to manage their practices as well as the story of Al’s journey in physical therapy and the launch of FOTO, Inc.