This 2-week tutorial-based course provides current best-evidence for topics associated with Sports Nutrition including: sources of fuel (macro and micronutrients) and corresponding energy system utilization, hydration guidelines, dietary intake recommendations for active and athletic individuals, and issues related to body composition, body weight, and appropriate eating choices. Further instruction will include discussion of nutritional substances for performance enhancement, nutritional supplementation, banned substances (steroids and growth hormone), and drug testing procedures. Finally, the role of the sports PT in nutrition and performance enhancement will be addressed.
Course Objectives/Outcomes
By the end of the course, a successful learner will be able to:
- Compare and contrast the caloric value and physiological need for the three macronutrients.
- Reflect on personal choices related to food and food consumption.
- List the ranges for daily intake of macronutrients in athletes and offer healthy alternatives for food choices for each.
- Compare and contrast daily intake ranges for macronutrients with “fuel for work” approach.
- Articulate the reasons why some fad diets are not appropriate for athletes.
- Describe and compare the metabolic pathways for energy utilization and relate each to an athletic endeavor.
- List common micronutrients important to health and athletic performance (vitamins and minerals).
- List common micronutrient deficiencies in female athletes and employ educational strategies with these athletes regarding such deficiencies and excellent food choices.
- Provide guidelines for hydration of the athlete, pre, during and post competition.
- Describe the adverse effects of inadequate hydration for the athlete.
- Provide mathematical evidence for weight loss or gain using a food intake/energy expenditure log.
- List and discuss the pros and cons of nutritional and other “legal” supplements for ergogenic purposes, including but not limited to creatine, ginseng, caffeine, etc.
- Describe the problem associated with nutritional supplements and banned substance contents unknown to athletes
- Describe the adverse effects of banned ergogenic aids such as anabolic steroids and growth hormone.
- Describe the procedures used for drug testing at the NCAA and international levels and how to locate the most current banned substance lists.
- Identify where to seek additional information regarding drug testing procedures (WADA and NCAA), and sports dietetics, including potential referrals ( and The Collegiate and Professional Sports Dietitians Association (CPSDA) (
- Describe the concept of “nutrient timing” in relation to athletic health and performance.
- Identify and discuss current “hot topics” in sports nutrition that are proposed by course members or the instructor.
- Describe the role of the physical therapist in nutrition and articulate your perspective on how to incorporate this into your practice.
- Describe where additional nutritional support or consultation can be obtained. Discern a referral pathway for nutritional collaboration.

Evidence In Motion is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID# 9255. This Distance learning-interactive activity is offered at 8.6 CEUs; Intermediate, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.
Evidence In Motion is a BOC approved provider of continuing education.