Nick Rainey, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT joins our hosts Kory Zimney and Paul Mintken to talk about temporomandibular disorders (TMD). He shares his expertise in diagnosing, treating and how to use the knowledge you already have as a physical therapist to help a large portion of patients with TMD.
Here are some of the highlights:
Nick Rainey shares how he gained his expertise in TMD through his desire to understand what he felt was an orthopaedic and pain disorder that he could have a real impact on as a physical therapist.
One of the main screeners for new patients includes a central sensitization screen to help determine overlapping pain conditions, which is often a factor with TMD patients.
There is a bi-directional relationship between the jaw and the spine. Treating the dysfunction is the key in determining whether to treat the spine or the jaw, instead of treating based on where they are feeling pain.
The biggest mistake that new clinicians make when looking at a TMD patient is paralysis by analysis. Treat what you see, and don’t worry about over-analyzing.
Dry needling the lateral pterygoid is really helpful because you can’t reach it with your hand.
Nick Rainey’s Clinical Pearl: Who cares what you do? Who comes after you if you make a mistake? Understanding how Medicare can fine you and what exactly the HIPPA rules are for your state is important for clinicians to understand what their risks are.
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The last episode of the season will feature questions and comments from you the listener. Send your questions, whether they be episode-specific, clinical or research-related to Your question may be featured in the last episode, so include some info about you and your practice. We look forward to hearing your questions!
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