Certificate for Advanced Practice in Hand Therapy, Level 1 • Programs by EIM | Evidence In Motion ' Skip To Content

Certificate for Advanced Practice in Hand Therapy, Level 1


Length: 6 months

Summer 2025 Deadline:

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For: PT, OT

EIM’s Level 1 Certificate for Advanced Practice in Hand Therapy will build upon entry-level concepts in the evaluation and treatment of the upper quarter, allowing for improved skill and confidence in managing a variety of commonly seen diagnoses in the field of hand therapy. Through didactic coursework, along with hands-on experience, learners will develop and improve skills needed throughout the therapeutic process including special evaluation and assessment techniques, therapeutic progression, manual therapy techniques, and orthotic fabrication. The program’s mission is to improve the knowledge and skill of occupational therapy and physical therapy practitioners in the field of hand therapy to improve client outcomes with upper quarter diagnoses.


  • Produce highly skilled, autonomous practitioners in the field of hand therapy.
  • Improve therapists’ knowledge of current evidence and promote the use of evidence-based practice in daily clinical practice.
  • Program graduates will be well-prepared to provide enhanced, evidence-based therapeutic evaluation and treatment techniques specializing in the upper quarter.

Note: EIM’s Certificate for Advance Practice in Hand Therapy does not provide hours towards Hand Therapy Certification Exam (HTCE), is not affiliated with the Hand Therapy Certification Commission (HTCC) and does not allow use of CHT credentials.
If your goal is to earn your Post-professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD), we have partnered with Southern California University (SCU) to help you. The first two terms are core content, and the final two terms include a specialty certification. The Certificate for Advanced Practice in Hand Therapy, Level 1 is part is one of the six elective tracks offered!


  • At the end of this course the successful learner will be able to implement general concepts of the healing process, pain, and orthotic fabrication as the foundation used throughout hand therapy progression and continued learning.

    At the end of this course, the successful learner will have a thorough understanding of the upper quarter as it relates to the evaluation and treatment of a variety of common diagnoses seen in hand therapy.

    At the end of this course, the successful learner will be able to analyze a variety of media and modalities and implement basic concepts as it pertains to therapy practice in upper quarter injury and dysfunction.

    At the end of this course, the successful learner will be able to implement concepts of therapeutic evaluation and progression post traumatic injury as it pertains to hand therapy practice.

    The goal of this 6-week online course is to teach clinicians how to integrate Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) into their clinical practice. Current best evidence has shown that neuroscience educational strategies utilizing neurobiology and neurophysiology can reduce pain, increase function, reduce fear and catastrophization, improve movement and change cognitions, and brain activation in people during pain experiences. This class will cover the evolution of PNE, explain why neuroscience education is needed in physical therapy, and teach the foundations of pain neurobiology and neurophysiology. More importantly, participants will learn how to apply and implement PNE within their practice for patients with acute, sub-acute, and chronic pain.

    At the end of this course, the successful learner will be able to understand and demonstrate hands-on techniques for assessment and treatment of the upper quarter including manual techniques and orthotic fabrication and be able to apply this information immediately into practice.


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