Manual Therapy Courses and Certification - EIM Skip To Content

Manual Therapy

Courses and Certification

Manual Therapy Courses

  • On-Site Only

    Advanced Hands-on Treatment of the Shoulder and Elbow

    The goal of this course is to develop and demonstrate advanced hands-on techniques for assessment and treatment of the shoulder and elbow including manual techniques...

  • On-Site Only

    Effortless Spinal Manipulation and Advanced Therapeutics

    This course is designed to improve participants’ confidence in performing manual-based interventions and to provide an environment for all participants to receive constructive feedback to...

  • Hybrid

    Management of Cervical & Thoracic Disorders

    EIM’s Management of Cervical & Thoracic Disorders course is designed to enhance the participant’s knowledge and skill level in the evidence-based management of individuals with...

  • Hybrid

    Management of Lumbopelvic Disorders

    Patients with low back and pelvic/hip pain make up nearly 50% of all patients receiving outpatient physical therapy. EIM’s Management of Lumbopelvic Disorders course is...

  • Hybrid • Online Only • Virtual Lab

    Management of Upper Extremity Disorders

    This course is designed to enhance the participant’s knowledge and skill level in the evidence-based management of individuals with upper extremity disorders and dysfunction. This...

Manual Therapy Certifications

  • Advanced Practice Certification

    The Evidence In Motion Advanced Practice Certification (APC) Program is a specialized credentialing program for professionals seeking to enhance their expertise, advance their clinical skills,...

  • Manual Physical Therapy Certification

    Patient outcomes are determined by the manual handling skills that you implement. EIM’s Manual Physical Therapy Certification provides post-professional training for physical therapists and is...

  • Orthopaedic Certification

    This interdisciplinary program includes four weekend lab courses aimed at each body region (lumbopelvic, lower extremity, cervical thoracic, and upper extremity) and a therapeutic neuroscience...

  • Post-professional DPT in Musculoskeletal Management

    Now offering both Hybrid and All-Online tracks! The EIM Post-Professional DPT program is a transitional DPT program committed to developing evidence-informed physical therapists who are...