There are always ‚Äústorms” and the ‚Äúnot-so-storms” that seem to blow through our lives without our permission. These storms may bring praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and pain, and/or fame and disrepute. These ‚Äústorms” are called the Vicissitudes of Life. They’re part of our humanity and they do arise.
Dr. Daphne Scott talks about what to do when these storms arise. She’ll discuss where we can find true refuge from these storms and what can prevent us from finding that refuge. She’ll share share how we can overcome those ‚Äúresistances” and how to find peace and success in weathering the vicissitudes of life!
Don’t forget! The EIM Inside Leadership Podcast will be airing once a month and our next brand new episode will be the FIRST week of December! We’ll talk to you then!