Lifestyle Medicine and Emotional Health • Courses by EIM | Evidence In Motion Skip To Content

Lifestyle Medicine and Emotional Health


Contact Hours: 7.5 contact hours/.75 CEU/7.5 CCU

Length: Self-paced

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For: PT, PTA, OT, ATC, MD, DO, RN, NP, PA, PSYCH, Other Licensed Health care Providers

Emotional and mental wellbeing are important factors in overall health and wellness. This course will investigate assessment and intervention strategies addressing emotional and mental health. There will also be a component that explores the importance of the practitioner’s own healthy lifestyle habits as it relates to emotional wellbeing.

Course Objectives/Outcomes

  1. Differentiate the Keirsey Temperaments and Enneagram types
  2. Extend guided motivational approaches to the practice of Lifestyle Medicine
  3. Compare and contrast the impact of eudaimonia and hedonia on health and longevity
  4. Explain impact of social connectedness on emotional well being
  5. Cite scientific evidence relating to the impact of depression and anxiety on pain, physical health, and lifestyle behaviors.
  6. Classify relevant screening tools for pain/stress/anxiety/depression
  7. Summarize the benefits of positive psychology and gratitude for all phases of illness and health
  8. Explain how adults with ACEs can have physical and mental health disparities as adults


Certification in Lifestyle Medicine

Evidence in Motion is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID# 6103. This distance learning-independent activity is offered at 7.5 Contact hours/.75 CEUs Introductory, Foundational Knowledge. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures. 

Lifestyle Medicine and Emotional Health has been approved for 7.5 continuing education hours by PTPN, which is an organization recognized by the Physical Therapy Board of California to approve courses for continuing education competency hours. If you have questions or concerns, please contact PTPN 800-766-7876 and ask for the Quality Assurance Department or CEO.

Des Moines University Accreditation Statement

Click here to see the accreditation statement for this course.

Evidence In Motion is a BOC approved provider of continuing education.

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Dates and Locations

  • Why EIM

    We’re reimagining health care education that takes you to the next next level. With learning that takes place where you are, evidence-based practice, and better outcomes for your patients, our education is transformative. That’s why EIM.


CEU and Cancellation Policy

If you are in need of a disability-related accommodation, please contact us here. We will process requests for reasonable accommodation and will provide reasonable accommodations where appropriate, in a prompt and efficient manner. For more information please see the Accommodation Procedures for Participants with Disabilities.

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