Mark Gallant, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, joins our hosts Paul Mintken and Kory Zimney to talk through lateral hip pain. Dr. Mark works at Onward Richmond, an out of network practice in Richmond, Virginia focused on helping athletes heal quickly and perform better. Dr. Mark is also a graduate of Evidence In Motion’s Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Residency and the Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship.
Here are some of the highlights:
Alison Grimaldi’s JOSPT article, “Gluteal Tendinopathy: Integrating Pathomechanics and Clinical Features in Its Management” on hip pain in 2015 is the key article that can give you a good foundation to learn more about lateral hip pain.
Tissues take time to heal. Three visits is not always going to give you the time to see your patients get better.
The tendon is not going to heal if the patient doesn’t eat proper nutrition, get proper sleep and have some sort of activity that they do. The lifestyle aspects are the best place to start.
For runners suffering from, doing hip strengthening is not going to change running mechanics, so the first place to start with these active individuals is to look at their running mechanics.
Mark Gallant’s Clinical Pearl: Excessive data is the enemy. Doing a few tests really well, having a few manual therapy techniques you can do really well and having a few exercises that you can coach really well will be more productive than doing a mediocre job at everything.
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The last episode of the season will feature questions and comments from you the listener. Send your questions, whether they be episode-specific, clinical or research-related to Your question may be featured in the last episode, so include some info about you and your practice. We look forward to hearing your questions!
More Links:
Gluteal Tendinopathy: Integrating Pathomechanics and Clinical Features in Its Management
––– Comments
Sarah Corr
Commented April 11, 2022
very good information
Mark Bookhout
Commented September 10, 2021
Enjoyed Mark's classifications of lateral hip pain patients and encouraging therapists to simplify and become more proficient in a selected number of tests, manual therapy techniques and exercises that will address the majority of patients that we see.