EIM Faculty Presenting at APTA CSM 2025 • Posts by EIM | Evidence In Motion Skip To Content

EIM Faculty Presenting at APTA CSM 2025

January 9, 2025 • Education

EIM’s faculty team is leading numerous sessions and presenting new research at APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) 2025. Learn from our incredible faculty who teach EIM’s post-professional curriculum or for our university partner programs.

We also want to celebrate Sara Owens on receiving her Advanced Proficiency Recognition! Sara serves as the Program Director for our Post-Professional PTA Specialty Certification in Orthopaedics.

Programming Lineup:

Wednesday, February 12

Andrew C. Thomas, PT, DPT, Jennifer Lynne Pearcy, PT, DPT and Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT | 8AM – 5PM EST | GR-21462 Give Me a Break! Management of Osteoporosis in Older Adult Populations

Mark Harrison Shepherd, PT, DPT, Kathleen Anne Sluka, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Carol A. Courtney, PT, ATC, PhD, FAPTA, Marie Hoeger Bement, PT, PhD, Kory J. Zimney, PT, DPT, PhD, Craig Andrew Wassinger, PT, PhD and Eric Stephen Kruger, PT, DPT, MS, PhD | 8AM – 5PM EST | OR-20859 CANCELED: The AOPT Pain School

Mark Harrison Shepherd, PT, DPT, Kathleen Anne Sluka, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Carol A. Courtney, PT, ATC, PhD, FAPTA, Marie Hoeger Bement, PT, PhD, Kory J. Zimney, PT, DPT, PhD, Craig Andrew Wassinger, PT, PhD and Eric Stephen Kruger, PT, DPT, MS, PhD | 8AM – 5PM EST | OR-22353 CANCELED: The AOPT Pain School – Breakout

Jamie Dyson, PT, DPT | 8AM – 5PM EST | AC-20785 – I Found the Lab Value Now What? 2.0 Updated Resource for Updated Practice

Kirsten A. Potter,PT, DPT, MS,  Tricia R. Prokop, PT, EdD, MSTP | 8AM – 5PM EST | ED-20600 – Career Evolution: Navigating the Clinician to Academician Journey


Thursday, February 13

Hilary D. Terhune, PT, MPT, DHSc, MSc, AntonetteToni” Doty, PT, PhD and Lisa Chiarello | 8AM -10AM EST | PD-21874 Are we there YET? Fostering youth and parents’ engagement in the transition to adulthood process

Kimiko Ann Yamada, PT, DPT, Lynn N. McKinnis, PT, DPT and Mike Rosenthal, PT, DSc | 8AM -10AM EST | OR-20319 From Pixels to Progress: Utilizing Imaging Cases to Enhance Education and Optimize Patient Outcomes

Mary Tischio Blackinton, PT, EdD, Kendra Gagnon, PT, PhD, Priscilla Ann Weaver, PT, DPT, PhD, Tricia Ann Catalino, PT, DSc, and Kimberly E. Varnado, PT, DPT, DHSc | 8AM -10AM EST | ED-21454 – Deconstructing Hybrid Education: Learning from the Past, Innovating for the Future

Kathleen Lee Blackburn, PT, DPT, Kathleen Heather Fitzgerald, PT, DPT, Vanessa Rae Kaczmarek, PT, DPT and Lauren Michelle Young, PT, DPT | 8AM – 10AM EST | NE-21054 – Spinning New Perspectives: Reframing the Mindset of Either Walking or Wheeling into a “Both-and” Discussion

Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD, Kory J. Zimney, PT, DPT, PhD, Debra Rico, PT, DPT and Terry L. Cox, PT, DPT, PhD | 11AM -1PM EST | HA-21324 Clinical Update on Neuropathic Pain

Elizabeth A. Ruckert, PT, DPT, Brett D. Neilson, PT, DPT, Melissa Yeung and Laura Louise Miele, PTA | 11AM -1PM EST | ED-20693 Strategies to Enhance Belonging in Hybrid Physical Therapy Education from Students to Faculty

Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT, Molly Anne Malloy, PT, DPT, Kirk R. Bentzen, PT, DPT, PhD and Matthew D. Haberl, PT, DPT, ATC | 11AM -1PM EST | One Size Does Not Fit All: Exploring Residency Models for Applicants, Faculty, Mentors, and Sponsors

Michael Leonard Puthoff, PT, MPT, PhD, Michelle M. Lusardi, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA, Sterling D. Eckert, PT, DPT, Patricia Noritake Matsuda, PT, DPT, PhD and Victoria Harwood Hamby, PT, DPT | 11AM -1PM EST | GR-21213 The Who, What, Where, How, and Why of the Geriatric Mobility Screening Initiative

Deydre Smyth Teyhen, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA, Margaret Elaine Lonnemann, PT, DPT, and Michelle E. Collie, PT, DPT, MS | 11AM -1PM EST | FD-20568 – Leading with Impact: Women Driving Change in Physical Therapy and Healthcare

Nicholas Gary Giampetruzzi, PT, MSPT, Lisa Cruz, Adam Pierce Weaver, PT, DPT, Matthew Brown, Allison Crepeau, MD and Dylan P. Roman, PT, DPT | 11AM – 1PM EST | Influence of Neighborhood Opportunity on Surgical Care and Outcomes after Anterior Shoulder Stabilization in Adolescents

Lori Jeanne Tuttle, PT, PhD, Jenna Segraves, PT, DPT, MS, Rebeca Segraves, PT, DPT and Jessica Swartz, PT, DPT | 11AM -1PM EST | Exploring Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation of Acute Care Physical Therapy in Obstetrics (Platform)

Devon Rae Morris, PT, DPT, Kathleen Tierney Geist, PT, DPT, Justin Andrew Zych, PT, DPT and Leda Carrie McDaniel, PT, DPT | 1PM -3PM EST | Identification of DVT in an African American Male Following Achilles Repair: Limitations on Wells Criteria

Jaevon D. Haywood, SPT, Robert Ruben Ustariz, SPT, Ashira Budd, SPT, Taylor Angele and Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | Stride By Stride: Physical Therapy Students Versus Clinicians during Dual and Triple Task Conditions

Qing Zhang, PT, DPT, Barbara Tafuto, PhD | 1PM -3PM EST | Poster Session | Systematic Review: Virtual Reality Vs. Conventional Gait Training for Individuals with Chronic Stroke

Christine McCallum, PT, PhD, and Ryan Joseph Monti, PT, DPT, PhD | 1PM -3PM EST | Poster Session | Qualitative Case Study- Perspective of a High School Baseball Athlete with an Injury Reduction Program

Jenna O’Dell, SPT, Molly Voskamp, SPT, Sterling D. Eckert, PT, DPT and Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM | Empowering Aging Well: Assessing the Efficacy of DPT Student-LED Exercise Program on Fall Risk

Sarah Roberts, PT, DPT, John H. Hollman, PT, MPT, PhD and Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | DPT and PTA Student Perspectives on Preparedness to Manage the Balance Needs for Older Adults

Molly Voskamp, SPT, Jenna O’Dell, SPT, Sterling D. Eckert, PT, DPT and Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | Older Adult Satisfaction and Attitudes Following a Student-Led, Intensity-Based Community Balance Class

Daniel Kline, PT, DPT, ATC, Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD, Charles Alden Thigpen, PT, ATC, PhD, Ellen Shanley, PT, PhD and Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT |1PM – 3PM EST | Concurrent Validity of Penn, FAST, & SANE in Adolescent Overhead Throwers

Jenna O’Dell, SPT, Molly Voskamp, SPT, Sterling D. Eckert, PT, DPT and Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | Empowering Aging Well: Assessing the Efficacy of DPT Student-LED Exercise Program on Fall Risk

Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT, Christina Burke, PT, DPT, Suzanne Marie Trojanowski, PT, DPT, Arco Prabha Paul, PT, PhD, Ana Monica Sanchez Junkin, PT, DPT and Wendy A. Kriekels, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | Minding the Know-Do Gap: National Survey on the Movement Analysis Framework

Ryan Joseph Monti, PT, DPT, PhD, Rachel H. Lowell, PT, DPT, Christopher Byers, PT, DPT, Alec Srodawa, SPT, William Carter, SPT, Braydan Billman, SPT, Hunter Henneberger, SPT and Cole Heinlen, SPT | 1PM -3PM EST | Poster Session | An Injury Reduction Program for the Youth and High School-Aged Baseball Athlete: A Pilot Study

Thomas, S., Keisel, J., Kinney, S | 2PM -4PM EST | Beliefs in the Role of Physical Therapy Professionals in an Overdose from Opioids

Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD, Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT and Kory J. Zimney, PT, DPT, PhD | 3PM -5PM EST | OR-21312 Pain Science: Hands-on or Hands-Off?

Jamie Dyson PT, DPT, Kim Levenhagen PT, DPT, Traci Norris PT, DPT, James Tompkins PT, DPT, Ann Fick PT, DPT, Kathy Swanick PT, DPT, Jill Cannoy PT, DPT, Megan Dakhlian PT, DPT | 3PM -5PM EST | OR-20826 – Post COVID Recovery- Is Your Practice Ready for the Long Haul?

Wing S. Fu, PT, MA, PhD, Tricia Rogers Prokop, PT, MSPT, EdD and Rosa Elena Torres-Panchame, PT, DPT | 3PM -5PM EST | The Master Adaptive Learner Behavioral Assessment Scale: Its Development, Content Validity, Feasibility and Acceptability

Aimee E. Perron, PT, DPT and Jessica C. Dunn, PT, DPT, MS | 3PM -5PM EST | ED-21035 Policing to Pedagogy: Incorporating the Use of Al to Enhance the Student Learning Experience


Friday, February 14

Christin Marie Zwolski, PT, DPT, PhD, Barbara Jo Hoogenboom, PT, ATC, EdD and Carol Marie Mack, PT, DPT | 8AM -10AM EST | SP-22074 Beyond the Game: Perfectionism, Performance, and Gendered Challenges in Female Athlete Health and Rehabilitation

Matthew Robert Schumacher, PT, DPT, Kyle Anthony Cottone, PT, DPT, Laura Marie Siviter, PT, DPT, DSc, Casey Rentmeester, PhD, Daniel I Rhon, PT, DPT, DSc, PhD and Jodi Young | 8AM – 10AM EST| Understanding Barriers to Use of a Low Back Pain Clinical Practice Guideline: A Mixed-Methods Approach

Jeb Tyler Helms, PT, DPT, Sorcha K. Martin, PT, DPT, Kory J. Zimney, PT, DPT, PhD, Priscilla Ann Weaver, PT, DPT, PhD, Carol A. Courtney, PT, ATC, PhD, FAPTA and Craig Andrew Wassinger, PT, PhD | 8AM -10AM EST | ED-20684 Pain Leads the Way: Creating and Validating Entrustable Professional Activities for Clinical Educators

Catherine Frances Siengsukon, PT, PhD, Brett D. Neilson, PT, DPT and Mark Shepherd | 8AM -10AM EST | OR-20444 Unraveling Sleep and Pain: Integrating Sleep Health into Physical Therapy Practice through Case-Based Learning

JJ Mowder-Tinney, PT, PhD, NCS, Chris Chimenti, PT,  Season Bonino, PT, DPT, GCS, Allyson Muehlemann, PT, DPT | 8AM -10AM EST | HH-20829 – Empowering Home Care PTs: A Framework for Leveraging Standardized Measures to Drive Interventions and Outcomes

Thomas, S., Quiben, M., Beran-Shepler, K., Gras, L., Babin, C., McCormack-Tutt, S | 11AM – 1PM EST | ED-21509 – IPE Bootcamp: Learning Together to Practice Together

Ben S. Braxley, PT, DPT, Heather M. David, PT, MPT, EdD, and Deanne R. Fay, PT, DPT, PhD | 11AM – 1PM EST | SP-21457 – Get in the Game! How Physical Therapists and Athletes Can Get Involved in Adaptive Sports

Lauren Vatter, David Werner, PT, DPT, Matthew McManigal, Michael Rosenthal, PT, DSc, Michael Wellsandt, PT, DPT, Alyx Jorgensen, PT, DPT, Christopher Johnson, PT, Ashley White Baker, PT, DPT, Zachary Robert Specht, PT, DPT, Christopher Wichman, Brian Knarr, PhD, Matthew Tao, MD, and Elizabeth Ann Wellsandt, PT, DPT, PhD | 11AM – 1PM EST | Squat Biofeedback after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Kari Melby, PT, Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT, Tarjanee Sauhta and Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD | 11AM – 1PM EST | Higher Intensity of Care Associated with Better UDI Change in Patients with Urinary Distress

Adam Pierce Weaver, PT, DPT, Michael Saper, DO, ATC, CSCS, Shing Varakitsomboon and Dylan P. Roman, PT, DPT | 11AM – 1PM EST | The Relationship between Psychological Readiness and Instability History in Adolescents after Anterior Shoulder Stabilization

Adam Pierce Weaver, PT, DPT, Xavier Thompson, Christopher Kuenze, ATC, PhD and ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation Outcomes Workgroup | 11AM – 1PM EST | Isokinetic Knee Strength and Patient Reported Outcomes Differ between ACL Reconstruction Graft Types in Adolescents

James Barry Hedgecock, PT, DPT and Mary Jane K. Rapport, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA | 11AM – 1PM EST | PD-20772 – Bringing Evidence into the Clinic: A New Approach to Knowledge Translation

Qing Zhang, PT, DPT, Mary Jane Rapport, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA | 1PM – 3PM EST | Poster Session | Purposeful Integration of Artificial Intelligence into a DPT Evidence-Based Practice Course

Lindsay Alicia Perry, PT, DPT, Katy Eileen Mitchell, PT, PhD, Carolyn Pavelka Da Silva, PT, DSc, Christina Marie Bickley, PT and Anne Hill Boddy, PT, DPT, PhD | 1PM – 3PM EST | Establishing Reliability and Validity of the Revised High Level Mobility Assessment Tool in Parkinson Disease

Ashley Michelle Boles, PT, DPT and Amber C. Fleer, PT | 1PM – 3PM EST | Poster Session | Eccentric Hamstring Strengthening for Lower Extremity Injury Prevention in Professional Soccer Players: A Systematic Review

Ashley Michelle Boles, PT, DPT and Amber C. Fleer, PT | 1PM – 3PM EST| Efficacy of Neck Strengthening for Preventing Concussions from Heading Injuries in Soccer Athletes: Systematic Review

Robin Lucas Burns, PT, DPT, Michael C. Furtado, PT, DPT, Peggy Blake Gleeson, PT, PhD, and Kristen Marie Johnson, PT, MSPT, EdD | 1PM – 3PM EST | One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Tailoring Medical Education Competencies for Physical Therapy Excellence

Griffin Thomas Lee, PT, DPT, Peer Himler, PT, DPT and James Michael Flis, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | Current Use of Special Tests for Rotator Cuff-Related Shoulder Pain: A Retrospective Chart Review

Charles Alden Thigpen, PT, ATC, PhD, Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD, Sarah Floyd, Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT and John M Brooks | 1PM – 3PM EST | Patient Preferences & Beliefs Influence Treatment Choice in Novel Early PT Program

Kari Melby, PT, Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT, Tarjanee Sauhta and Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD | 1PM – 3PM EST | Patient Beliefs & Disability Drive Treatment Choice in Patients with Spine Conditions

Lucas Michael Myers, PT, Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD, Samantha Rodriguez, Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT and Charles Alden Thigpen, PT, ATC, PhD | 1PM – 3PM EST | Work Conditioning Following Physical Therapy in Patients with Lbp Improves Disability and Return-to-Work

John Justyn, PT, DPT, Ryan Joseph Monti, PT, DPT, PhD, Heather Shannon Myers, PT, DPT, ATC and Trevor A. Lentz, PT, PhD | 1PM – 3PM EST | Poster Session | How Is Load Managed in Weighted Ball Throwing Programs?: A Survey of Collegiate Baseball Players

Amy Goode, SPT, Sebastian Lopez, SPT, Brittney Noel Hoenshell, SPT and Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | The Use of Improv Comedy to Improve Dpt Student Clinical Confidence

Sterling D. Eckert, PT, DPT, Jenna O’Dell, SPT, Molly Voskamp, SPT and Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | Survey Says! Immersive Service-Learning Impact on DPT Student Confidence in Management of Older Adults

Lucas Michael Myers, PT, Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD, Samantha Rodriguez, Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT and Charles Alden Thigpen, PT, ATC, PhD |1PM – 3PM EST | Work Conditioning Following Physical Therapy in Patients with Shoulder Pain Improves Disability and Return-to-Work

Jeb Tyler Helms, PT, DPT, Jamie Ball and Kory J. Zimney, PT, DPT, PhD | 1PM – 3PM EST | Flipping the Pain Science Classroom: How Delivery Formats Influence Dpt Student Confidence and Beliefs

Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT, Ashley Araiza and Marta Lukacovic | 1PM – 3PM EST | Faculty and Student Perceptions of Rigor, Active Learning, and Feedback in DPT Curriculum

Qing Zhang, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | Poster Session | Exploring Artificial Intelligence Enhanced Videos in Doctor of Physical Therapy Education

Adriaan Louw, PT, PhD, Rebecca Junelle Vogsland, PT, DPT and Kory J. Zimney, PT, DPT, PhD | 3PM -5PM EST | FD-21317 Phantom Limb Pain: A Pain Science, Neuroplasticity and Graded Motor Imagery Update

Carina Marie Siracusa, PT, DPT | 3PM -5PM EST | PD-22069 – Introduction to Bowel and Bladder Treatment for Children: A Developmental Approach

Todd Eldon Davenport, PT, DPT, MPH, Theresa G Dowell, PT, Daniel Lee, Nicole A Miranda, PT, DPT, Clayton Daniel Powers, PT, DPT, Staci R Stevens | 3PM -5PM EST | CP-21833 – Long Covid Grand Rounds 2025: Case Studies of Emerging Technologies and Practices for Physical Therapy

Rachel Miller, Mary Jane K. Rapport, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA, Maria Jones, PT, PhD and Maryam Emory | 3PM -5PM EST | PD-20691 – Medicaid: A Source of Payment or Frustration? Working Together to Advocate for Change


Saturday, February 15

Nathan Hutting, Jason Silvernail, PT, DPT, DSc, Rebecca Junelle Vogsland, PT, DPT, Megan Burrowbridge Donaldson, PT, PhD, FAAOMPT and Roger Kerry | 8AM -10AM EST | OR-21245 Contemporary Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy: Definition, Conceptual Model and Clinical Frameworks.

Christina Burke, PT, DPT, Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT, Suzanne Marie Trojanowski, PT, DPT, Ana Monica Sanchez Junkin, PT, DPT, Arco Prabha Paul, PT, PhD and Wendy A. Kriekels, PT, DPT | 8AM – 10AM EST| Lights, Camera, Knowledge to Action! a National Survey of the ANPT Balance Diagnoses Framework

Sarah Jean Gilliland, PT, DPT, PhD, Cara Elizabeth Felter, PT, DPT, MPH, PhD, Tricia Rogers Prokop, PT, MSPT, EdD, and Teressa F Brown | 8AM -10AM EST | ED-20530 – Education Research 101: Getting Started and Creating Your Action Plan

Ellen Shanley, PT, PhD, Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT, Jacqueline Marie Davenport, PT, DPT and Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD | 11AM – 1PM EST | Symptom Complexity Classification: What Are We Measuring?

Jared Spencer Vagy, PT, DPT, Christopher R. Carcia, PT, PhD and Su Wang, PT, DPT | 11AM – 1PM EST | OR-20374 Pedal, Paddle, and Climb: PT Management of Outdoor Athletes

Lori Jeanne Tuttle, PT, PhD, Jenna Segraves, PT, DPT, MS, Rebeca Segraves, PT, DPT and Jessica Swartz, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | Poster Session | Analyzing Acute Care Physical Therapists’ Perceptions of Physical Therapy Utilization Following Vaginal Vs. C-Section Delivery

Andreyo E., Unverzagt C., Dos’Santos T., Dawes J. | 1PM – 3PM EST | Poster Session | Assessing Planned and Unplanned Change of Direction Movement Quality in Female Basketball Players

Jamie Holloway, PT, DPT, PhD, Dustin Hardwick, PT, DPT, PhD | 1PM – 3PM EST | Effects of Attentional Focus on Learning a Throwing Task in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Jennifer Lynn Meyer, PT, DPT, Kristen Marie Johnson, PT, MSPT, EdD, and Holly Jane Roberts, PT, DPT, PhD | 1PM – 3PM EST | Fall Prediction Using the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury

Mitchell C. Selhorst, PT, DPT, PhD, Katie Lullo, Joshua Allen Kempton, PT and Alexander William Rospert, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | The Effectiveness of Conservative Interventions for Calcaneal Apophysitis: A Systematic Review

Brittany Rohan, PT, DPT, Uzair Hammad, PT, DPT and Brittany Ann Tarin, PTA | 1PM – 3PM EST | Balancing Prognostic Tools and Clinical Judgment in Rehabilitation for Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries

Evan Andreyo, PT, DPT, Casey Unverzagt, Tom Dos’Santos and Jay Dawes | 1PM – 3PM EST | Assessing Planned and Unplanned Change of Direction Movement Quality in Female Basketball Players

Jacqueline Marie Davenport, PT, DPT, Ellen Shanley, PT, PhD, Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT, Charles Alden Thigpen, PT, ATC, PhD and Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD | 1PM – 3PM EST | Long-Track Continuing Education Drives Value in PT

Lori Mize, Kari Melby, PT, Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD and Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | ERAS Protocols Post-Hysterectomy: A Comprehensive Review of Available Literature Including Rehabilitation

Nicholas Gary Giampetruzzi, PT, MSPT, Lisa Cruz, Dylan P. Roman, PT, DPT, Art Daniel Fredericks, PT, ATC, and Adam Pierce Weaver, PT, DPT | 1PM – 3PM EST | Assessing Plantar Flexion Strength Symmetry in Adolescents Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Tanner Ruda, SPT and Michael Rosenthal, PT, DSc | 1PM – 3PM EST | Spatiotemporal Gait Parameter Changes during Walking with Blood Flow Restriction

Adam Pierce Weaver, PT, DPT, Dylan P. Roman, PT, DPT, and Christopher Kuenze, ATC, PhD | 1PM – 3PM EST | Early Quadriceps Strength Recovery Is Not Related to Second Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Adolescents

Brittany Selhorst, PT, DPT, Alyson Rose Filipa, PT, DPT, Danielle Farzanegan, PT, DPT and Katie Lullo | 3PM – 5PM EST | SP-21434 Load ‘Em up: Strength Training, the Missing Link in Rehabilitation of Adolescent Dancers and Gymnastics

Heidi Moyer, PT, DPT and Veronica Riera-Gilley | 3PM – 5PM EST | GR-21361 Fall in Love with Deprescribing: Fall Risk Reduction through Proper Interdisciplinary Medication Management

Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD, Kari Jean Melby, PT and Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT | 3PM – 5PM EST | Factors Associated with Functional Progress in Pregnant Patients with LBP

Adam D. Lutz, PT, DPT, PhD, Charles Alden Thigpen, PT, ATC, PhD, Sarah Floyd, Thomas R. Denninger, PT, DPT, and John M Brooks | 3PM – 5PM EST | SANE Measures Are Similar to Spine Disability Outcomes and Independent of Pain


*The full APTA 2025 CSM Schedule can be found here!

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