We have a LEGEND in the profession of physical therapy this week: Barb Stevens. While Barb has had a bit of a “quiet career,” her impact has been profound in the world of clinical reasoning and fellowship training. Barb has a lot of experience as a PT in the adoption of manual therapy within the profession, the growth of fellowship training, and the education of many young PTs through Evidence In Motion. Barb shares a bit of her journey of 40 years as a PT and imparts her wisdom on us this week!
––– Comments
Don Stover
Commented July 28, 2023
Barbara had a very large influence on my career. I was so fortunate to have been part of her long term courses she offered in Australian OMT and other approaches. She was the original influence for my interest in MDT, and though I primarily utilizes MDT as a platform to asses and treat MSK disorders, the hands on skills I learned from Barb in Oklahoma back in the 90’s are still used daily when force progressions are needed. Thank You Barbara!
Scott Erbst
Commented September 13, 2018
Barb had a profound, long term influence on my career and on those of my classmates at Langston University, OK. It was groundbreaking for her to bring manual therapy into a PT program as part of the curriculum over 25 years ago. I will be forever greatful for the manual skills I learned but, most importantly, for the way she made me think. - Scott Erbst
Dave Johnson
Commented September 12, 2018
Barb is not only a legendary physical therapist in America, she is a legend in Australia. One of the tutors during my year learning manual therapy in Perth had been a classmate of Barb during their year in Adelaide. She was forever envious of Barb for having bested her at every turn and topped their class, but even greater than her envy was her respect for her.
Cheri Hodges
Commented September 12, 2018
Barbara has had a profound impact on my professional career. If I had not met her, I would not have gone to Australia to train early in my career setting the foundation for my professional development. She is a legend in our profession, thank you for highlighting her career and her contributions to our profession.