Musculoskeletal, Pain Science
Dr. Marcos Lopez PT, is a Physical Therapist in San Antonio, Texas. He is a board certified orthopedic clinical specialist. He completed the Therapeutic Pain Specialist program through International Spine and Pain Institute (now EIM) in the Fall of 2016 and completed Bellin College’s Fellowship in Manual Physical Therapy program in the Summer 2019. Dr. Lopez has spoken at State and National conferences regarding physical therapy, integrating pain neuroscience into clinical practice, and evidence-based medicine. He has served on various leadership positions within the Texas Physical Therapy Association at the district and State level. He practices in an outpatient orthopedic private practice and previously served as the primary physical therapist in a substance abuse rehabilitation clinic called NuHope. His role with NuHope is to provide weekly group educational sessions on pain science and to provide physical therapy to treat their underlying pain conditions while they actively taper from opioids.