Let’s say you are a bored ex-CEO of America Online and you decide to poor 100 Million plus of your own money into the health care industry. You believe that consumer directed health care is the wave of the future. What do you get? Revolution Health. You get to rate and compare your health care providers (don’t look too hard for PT), self-diagnose and treat, track your health, shop till you drop, and begin an online medical record. Or, you could have saved the 100 Million dollars and surfed the net for tons of sources that already do this.
I am not impressed at all with this revolutionary approach. I am a big believer in customer centric focus and consumerism but don’t believe you will be too overwhelmed with the way this site approaches it.
Best example-LBP. Under the title, What Can Physical Therapy Do For Your Back Pain? It sets us back about 20 years-not quite to reconstruction aids but close.