I have read with great interest the numerous comments in regards to the recognizing a Guru post. however, we are forgetting about an equally damaging trend and that is the claims equipment companies give about their new gadgets. I reference today’s WSJ article (available to non web subscribers for 7 days) about the use of laser’s to help smokers quit. Yes, laser is the current panacea of the year-in fact recently cleared for the use of pain. As is appropriately pointed out in this article, there is no credible evidence that lasers or needle acupuncture will help a person quit smoking.
Sometimes we even get equipment and guru’s working together. Don’t forget the famous use of the reflex hammer to cure all pain that was presented at more than one PT conference.
Marketing always outpaces research when it comes to the treatment of pain.
Can somebody start a “how to spot an equipment claim” comment?