Clinical Podcast: Preventing Injuries with Ash James • Posts by EIM | Evidence In Motion Skip To Content

Clinical Podcast: Preventing Injuries with Ash James

May 2, 2018 • Orthopaedics

Is there a time coming where Physios will be looking at managing workplaces the same way we’ve traditionally been managing ball clubs?

We are talking with Ashley (Ash) James, who brings a perspective from the UK and also a focus on preventing injuries rather than just treating injuries. Our discussion today covers what types of prevention Ash is going after, including going TO schools and companies with education, rather than waiting for them to come to us. We also discuss some differences in physio in the UK vs. the US.

Ash has worked in various sectors of musculoskeletal physiotherapy, including private practice, professional sports and occupational health. He is now a Clinical Lead for a large Occupational Health Company, runs external courses and workshops, and is looking at ways to improve the care of people within the community. Ash is also currently studying for his PhD with his research focus on the prevention of occupational back pain.


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Garrett Pfeiffer

Commented • May 5, 2018

Hey Guys. As always, I really appreciate the effort and content and this one really struck home as a member (if you will) of the Fit for Work network but even more so as a physical therapist. I have a question for John and Jeff (or Ash if he checks back in). I have found in the work place especially that this message of resiliency of the spine specifically and body generally is extremely powerful and effective especially when delivered with prevention and early intervention via the in your face contact mentioned in the podcast. Having said that (and here is the question finally), do you think that this notion that early intervention, education, and non-specific exercise (to include work) is unappealing to some healthcare providers and therapists specifically even in the face of potentially being effective because they perceive that it diminishes our need for expertise or hands-on (literally and figuratively) care? Personally, I don't think it does at all and in fact, is quite contrary to that. Understanding what works when and for whom, especially as it relates to population or entire workforce well being, requires tremendous expertise. It simply looks and feels different and to impact population health, we have to change the way we approach and face health and lean into that difference or discomfort in my opinion. Are we willing to do that as a profession? Are we willing to rewrite our own hard drives? You touched on it in the podcast but how do we tap into our expertise and perhaps humility so we can own this segment rather than lose it to other healthcare providers? In your opinion.

phil gainan

Commented • May 2, 2018

Prevention is always the best 'answer' sometimes educating the general population on this is a challenge, as in the US, preventive medicine isn't commonly accepted.

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