ACN/United want the Tricare Contract • Posts by EIM | Evidence In Motion Skip To Content

ACN/United want the Tricare Contract

April 26, 2008 • Health Care News • Larry Benz

I received the following message on a PT listserve:

I received a letter from ACN/UNITED stating they are bidding for
management of TRICARE.

If you think it’s a good idea to let TRICARE know of your experiences
with the American Chiropractic Network (ACN) and UNITED, write a real
quick letter of recommendation, or lack thereof, to the TRICARE address
below. Action must be taken now as the contract is awarded “mid
2007.” No one will act for you.

FALLS CHURCH, VA 22041-3206

I must commend ACN/United on their moxie to send a letter to PT providers.  They are perhaps the most universally hated insurance company by PT providers in the US.

Personally, while I think ACN represents a well intended and conceptually on track approach to physical therapy via provider profiling, tiering, outcomes, etc. their execution is a complete disaster.  This is mostly due to their “parent” UHC having the final say in the ever important “reimbursement” part of the equation with areas of the US getting a $45 per visit take it or leave it approach.  Therefore, ACN is really United’s attempt to be a provider “feel good” department and is the epitome of hypocrisy.

That’s just my thoughts-what’s yours?  Don’t forget to let Tricare know them as well.



Larry Benz

Dr. Larry Benz, DPT, OCS, MBA, MAPP, is the Executive Chairman of Confluent Health. He is nationally recognized for his expertise in private practice physical therapy and occupational medicine. Dr. Benz’s current areas of interest include conducting research and integrating empathy, compassion, and positive psychology interventions within physical therapy. He released a book on September...

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